Page 1 of 7 Energizer Solar Privacy Notice Effective Date: 25th March 2024 Energizer Solar and its related bodies corporate including 8 Star Energy North America Inc. , 8 Star Energy Pty Ltd and 8 Star Energy ESS Limited (referred to as Energizer Solar , we, us or our) has implemented this Privacy Notice to provide you with information about how we collect, hold and use Personal Information (defined below) collected about you through the Energizer Solar Website ( Website ) , the Energizer Solar mobile a pplication s , and by any other means , for example, through promotions or communications with you. 1. PRIVACY AND YOUR INFORMATION Your privacy and trust are important to us. This P rivacy N otice explains how our Website and applications, including mobile applications, portals, social media pages, products, software, promotions or services ( all together known as “Services”) use your personal information. It applies unless a separate or supplementary privacy notice is offered. 2. WHAT KINDS OF INFORMATION DO WE COLLECT? Energizer Solar collects a limited amount of information from you directly for some S ervices, for example, when you want to participate in promotions. The type of information we collect is dependent on how you interact with us. 2.1. INFORMATION YOU PROVIDE TO ENERGIZER SOLAR VOLUNTARILY If you choose to receive our Energizer Solar mobile application , user portal or other similar Services , we may collect the following: - First name, last name, email address, phone number, solar equipment serial numbers, electricity consumption data, battery state of charge and other similar information . If you choose to participate in one of our promotions, we may collect the following: - First name, last name, email address, postal address, phone number and other similar information . If you choose to purchase products or services from our Website , we may ask you for payment information which may include: - Payment card number, security code, expiration date and other similar information . If you choose to ask a question or report an issue through our Website c ontact page we may collect the following : - First n ame, l ast n ame, postal address, email address, phone number and other similar information . If you choose to become a supplier to us, we may collect the following:
Page 2 of 7 - Contact details, location and products or services offered by your company and information related to pricing, sourcing and other business practices, if you apply to become an approved supplier . If you choose to apply for employment with us, we may ask for the following: - Education and academic degrees , a pplicable licenses or certifications , p rior employment history , n ational ID , r eferences and other similar information . If you are accepted for an interview or employment, we will collect other relevant information from you in addition to the information provided during the recruitment process and it will become part of your personnel record. 2.2. INFORMATION GATHERED THROUGH OUR SERVICES We collect information about how you interact with our Services through the use of cookies, pixel tags and similar technologies. This also includes usage information, browsing history and information about how you navigate within our Services. We may also collect your device information which includes IP address, location, internet provider, device ID and operating system. We may also collect demographic information such as your country and preferred language as our Services may be slightly different depending on which country you live. 2.3. INFORMATION FROM THIRD PARTIES We may obtain information through partners, vendors, suppliers and other third parties which are typically corporate entities (although some may be educational and public enterprises) and may be located in any of the locations in which we do business. We c ollect this data in order to make your Service experiences better, for example. These third parties fall into the following categories: - Advertising and marketing companies . - Social media platforms and partners . - Promotional partners . 3. HOW WE USE INFORMATION We use information we collect for lawful purposes, that are within our legitimate interests, as well as for compliance purposes. 3.1. TO COMMUNICATE We may use contact information provided to us through our promotions to provide the prize or give away for the promotion. Once the promotion is over, we delete that information from our systems. Promotions may include additional notices that provide more i nformation about the use of your personal information and to which you may be asked to consent.
Page 3 of 7 We may use the information provided to us at the Contact Us link to communicate with you about your product issue or issue refunds. 3.2. FOR BUSINESS OPERATIONS We may use information provided to perform crime or fraud monitoring and prevention, protecting our legal rights and performing contractual obligations. 3.3. FOR FUNCTIONALITY AND IMPROVEMENT We may use information provided to us through the Energizer Solar mobile application , user portal and other Services to remotely maintain the operability of your solar equipment, and to troubleshoot if there are issues identified by yourself or by ou r technical support engineers . We may use cookies to make our Services o peration s work more efficiently and to provide analytic information. 4. LEGAL BASIS FOR OUR USE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AREA ONLY If you are in the European Economic Area, our legal basis for collecting and using personal information described above will depend on the personal information concerned and the specific context in which we collect it. However, we will collect personal information from you only where we have your consent to do so, where we need the personal information to perform a contract with you, where we have a legal obligation to do so or where the processing is in our legitimate i nterests( such as processing for administrative purposes, preventing fraud or criminals acts and in support of information security) and not overridden by your data protection interests or fundamental rights and freedoms. If we ask you to provide personal information to comply with a legal requirement or to perform a contract with you, we will make this clear at the time of collection. We will also tell you whether the requirement for that information is mandatory and expla in any consequences to you if you do not provide the information. Similarly, if we collect and use your personal information based on our legitimate interests (or those of any third party), we will take reasonable steps to provide clear notice and describe our legitimate interests. Energizer Solar is the Data Controller of all personal information collected in the European Economic Area ( EEA ) , except where a supplemental notice says otherwise. If you have questions about or need further information concerning the legal basis for any specific processing activity or which to contact the Data Controller, please contact us at 5. HOW WE SHARE INFORMATION We work through our affiliates to provide Services. We also work with authorized suppliers and business partners (“Partners”). When we share your personal information with our Partners, we put in place appropriate measures, typically contractual measures, to limit the use of your information for only legal and authorized purposes that are consistent with the Privacy Notice, as well as appropriate confidential and security measures.
Page 4 of 7 Energizer Solar does not share or sell any personal information that you provide to us through our Services for any separate use by any third party. From time to time, we may provide aggregate (statistical) information about our customers, sales, online traffic patterns and related information to reputable third parties to help us improve our Services. These sta tistics do not include any personally identifying information. We share information with third parties when required by law or to respond to legal process, to protect our customers; to protect lives; to maintain the security of our services and to protect our legal rights. 5.1. WITH AFFILIATES AND SUBSIDIARIES We may share any of the information you provide to us, including personal information, with our affiliated entities and subsidiaries worldwide. These entities may be located in different countries than your own, and may have different, and possibly lower, privacy standards than those in your home country. 5.2. WITH THIRD PARTIES We may share your personal data with third party service providers. They are not allowed to share or use your personal information for any purpose other than to provide services to us. We share your information for the purposes set out in this Privacy Noti ce, with the following categories of third - party recipients: - Those that assist us with order fulfillment or to manage product inquiries or concerns . - Those that assist us with recruitment and hiring . - Those that assist us with administering our Services . 5.3. SALES, MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS We may disclose personal information as part of a contemplated or actual corporate transaction such as a reorganization, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, transfer or other disposition of all or any portion of our business, assets or stock (including in connection with any bankruptcy or similar proceedings). 6. INTERNATIONAL TRANSFERS OF PERSONAL DATA Energizer Solar is a global organization, and your personal information may be stored or processes outside of your home country, including in countries that may not offer the same level of protection for your personal information as your home country. We have measure in place to ensure that when your personal information is transferred internationally, it is subject to appropriate safeguards in accordance with data protection laws (including Articles 44 to 50 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR). Usually these include contractual safeguards, such that each party to which the personal data is transferred is obligated to keep your data safe and secure, and not to use it for purposes other than specified by Energizer Solar . If you would like more information about our data transfer practices or obtain a copy of any relevant safeguarding measure or the countries in which we process personal data, please contact
Page 5 of 7 7. YOUR CHOICES AND RIGHTS Energizer Solar respects your rights in how your personal information is used and shared. You may request access to or corrections to your personal data. If you are in the EU, you may have additional rights under GDPR. 7.1. ACCESS, CORRECTION TO, OR DELETION OF YOUR INFORMATION If you would like to correct or update your personal information, or request access to or deletion of your personal information, you may contact us at Please note that we are obligated to verify your identify before we provide personal information. If you request a change to or deletion of your personal information, please note that we may still need to retain certain information for record keeping purpo ses and/or to complete any transactions that you began prior to requesting such change or deletion. Some of your information may also remain in our systems and other records where necessary for compliance with applicable law. 7.2. ADDITIONAL DATA PRIVACY RIGHTS E UROPEAN ECONOMIC AREA You may have additional rights under the EU GDPR and certain other countries’ laws. For example, if you are in the EEA, you may request: - The purpose of processing . - The categories of personal data concerned . - Who else outside of Energizer Solar might have received the data from us . - What the source of the information was if you didn’t provide it directly to us . - How long it will be stored . In many countries you have a right to lodge a complaint with the appropriate data privacy authority if you have concerns about how we process your personal information. 7.3. CALIFORNIAN CONSUMERS We include this clause to comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA) and any terms defined in the CCPA have the same meaning when used. Please also see the section above entitled: Your rights in relation to your personal data. We do not sell your personal information unless you provide us with your explicit consent to pass on your information to a local installation partner to contact you for an offer regarding our products and services. We will not discriminate against you for exercising any of your rights explained in this Privacy Notice , including: - Denying you access to goods and/or services . - Charging you different prices or rates for goods or services, including through granting discounts or other benefits or imposing penalties . - Providing you a different level of goods and/or services .
Page 6 of 7 - Suggesting you may receive a different price or rate for goods and/or services or a different level of quality of goods and/or services. To the extent possible, we ask that you please do not provide us with “Sensitive Personal Information”, which includes your social security, driver’s license, state identification card, or passport number; account log - in, financial account, debit card, or credit card number in combination with any required security or access code, password, or credentials allowing access to an account; your precise geolocation (not including the location or your Energizer Solar equipment ), information revealing your racial or ethnic origin, religion, or union membership; the contents of your private communications not directed to Energizer Solar ; biometric information; data concerning your health; data concerning your sexual orientation; or other data collected and analyzed for the purpose of identifying such information. We do not process or store Sensitive Personal Information of individual customers except in rare circumstances in which you will be specifically notified of the need for Sensitive Personal Information. If you have questions about any request for Sensitive Personal Information, please contact us at 8. SECURITY The security of your information is important to us. When we process your data, we utilize reasonable and appropriate administrative, technical and organizational security measures to protect your personal information against risks such as temporary or per manent loss, destruction or unauthorized or unlawful access, alteration, use or disclosure. We require our suppliers and partners to apply similar protections when they access or use personal information we share with them. Of course, no technology, data transmission or system is 100% secure. If you have reason to believe that your interaction wi th us is no longer secure, please immediately notify us at 9. PERSONAL INFORMATION OF MINORS We comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act in the United States and similar laws around the world, where applicable to Energizer Solar Services. We do not knowingly collect personal information from minors without proper consent from a parent or legal guardian. If you believe we may have collected personal information from a minor without the requisite consent, please let us know at hell 10. RETENTION We retain your personal information for the period necessary to: provide you with the S ervices you have requested of us, as needed to comply with legal obligations (e.g., to comply with mandatory record retention or legal hold requirements), as agreed to in a consent form, to resolve disputes, and to otherwise fulfill the purposes, rights an d obligations outlined in this Privacy Notice. Retention periods can vary significantly based on the type of information and how it is used. Our retention periods are based on criteria that include legally mandated retention periods, pending or potential litigation, our
Page 7 of 7 intellectual property rights or ownership rights, contract requirements, operational directives or needs, and historical archiving. 11. THIRD PARTY SITES AND SERVICES This Privacy Notice does not address, and we are not responsible for, the policies and practices of third parties or other organizations that are not operating on our behalf, including policies and practices related to privacy and security, data collection , processing use, storage and disclosure. This includes a ny third party operating any site or service to which our Services are linked . Any app developer, app provider, social media platform provider, operating system provider, wireless service provider or device manufacturer including any personal information you disclose to such organizations through or in connection with Energizer Solar Services, apps or social media pages. 12. CHANGES TO THIS NOTICE W e may change this Privacy Notice from time to time so it accurately reflects our practices, Services and compiles with legal requirements. The Effective D ate at the top of this Privacy Notice states when it was last amended, and we update this date each time a revision is posted. Any changes to this Privacy Notice will become effective when we post it on our Website . We encourage you to check back regularly to stay informed of any updates.